Apparently there is no known cure for diabetes, although it is treatable by insulin injection. However, in this day and age with the internet, we do come across claims of the extraordinary….natural cure for diabetes. We may never know for sure the authenticity of such claims unless we have personally benefited from them.

Diabetes is a common disease, and is the 6th most significant cause of death in the United States. According to Wikipedia, as of 2000 at least 171 million people worldwide suffered from diabetes, or 2.8% of the population. Now it’s 10 years past, and I’m sure the figures are higher. Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common, affecting 90 to 95% of the U.S. diabetes population.
Diabetes is a condition which the body is unable to create or make correct use of insulin, resulting in having high blood sugar. And insulin is a hormone that is needed to transform glucose into energy. The current available treatment is insulin injection.
Natural cure for diabetes using lime.
I received an information via email claiming that lime can cure diabetes. Honestly, I’m a bit skeptical of its claim; but it would be a great loss and disservice to those who are suffering from diabetes if this claim is true and I failed to share it. Before divulging more details of this natural cure for diabetes by using lime, let us search for more information on lime, and see what it has to offer.
Lime contains vitamins A, B, C, G and the rare vitamin P. Vitamin P or more often called bioflavonoids or simply flavonoids, enhance the absorption of Vitamin C. For this reason they are usually taken together. Bioflavonoids and Vitamin C together help to stregthen the thin walls of the capillaries preventing bleeding or bruising. They have antibacterial properties, stimulate bile production, promote circulation, reduce blood cholesterol, prevent allergies, asthma, and even cataracts. Bioflavonoids are antioxidants, anticarcinogenics, antibiotics, and detoxifiers. These can provide healing properties for peptic and oral ulcers. The detoxifiers can help relieve the symptoms of gout.
Lime is a citrus fruit. Lime also contains citric acid, natural sugar, calcium and phosphorus. It contains by far more vitamin C than lemon. Lime is a natural antibiotic.
Since this article is not specifically on lime, let’s just list down what lime can cure, prevent or contribute to our well-being:
Scurvy, anemia, intestinal disorder, cough and cold, gastric problem, high blood pressure, fevers, constipation, typhoid, bronchitis, sore throat, dehydration, bleeding gums and sores in the mouth, retard aging, rejuvenate the skin, kidney cleanse, arthritis, rheumatism, prostrate and colon cancer, cholera, arteriosclerosis, fatigue, heart disease, and DIABETES.
Not a guarantee, try it. You have nothing to lose.
It is quite obvious that lime has great potency to prevent or cure many ailments. Whether this particular recipe is effective or not, you will never know until you try it. Also please bear in mind that many natural cures have positive effect only on certain people. I don’t know why, but from my personal experience, this is true.
So may I just remind you to take this recipe with “a pinch of salt” (or for this instance, a pinch of lime!). One thing for sure, there won’t be any adverse effect taking a few lemons, if this recipe doesn‘t work on you. Just treat it as an exotic chicken soup, certainly rejuvenating and refreshing!
Please let me know in the comments below if you found this recipe effective. Then I will certainly feel more comfortable, and elated, having done the right thing publishing it.
The lime-chicken recipe to cure diabetes.
Here it is; the unedited version:
My diabetes cured using this traditional recipe
Then I was 55 years old, one day suddenly I felt constant thirst and
had the urge to drink more water, I also felt constant hunger even
just after taking a meal, my legs often cramp and had severe cold
sweat. I went for a check up and the doctor diagnosed Diabetes,
sometimes it reached 250 and it worried me so much. Doctor prescribed
some medication and I was on medication for 2.5 years.
My brother who was staying in Malaysia was very concerned, he was a
successful businessman. I went to visit my brother and sister when I
was 57 yrs old and my brother told me he was given a traditional
treatment recipe for diabetes which was claimed to be very effective.
As a Hokkienese (one of the Chinese ethnic groups) who suffered Diabetes for 25 years, previously his had
complication and was unable to walk, but now he was cured.
Here's the Recipe :
Steam 4 limes (green lime) together with 1 chicken without head and
tail), cut limes into half, add some salts and water level just to
cover the chicken. I was given this 4 times during my stay in
The taste was not very good but i still took it in hope of curing the
disease. I took me 1 week to finish a chicken (1 recipe), sometimes i
drank it as a soup or for supper.
After 2 months I returned to Taiwan and had a medical check up again,
the doctor advised me to stop my Diabetes medication as the blood
sugar plunged to below the standard count. He couldn't believe it when
I told him what I took. From then on I did constant blood check and it
was normal. So for prevention, sometimes I still had it once in a
while. Lime was not available in Taiwan at that time and my brother
sent them to me from Malaysia.
I am now 71 years old, and there's no recurrence. During this time I
have been staying in Canada, the USA and I have been healthy diet and
the chicken lime recipe once in a while which saves my life.
As the ingredients are all natural, there's no harm at all to have a
try and please spread this to your friends or whoever needs it.